Pho 24

feel the 24 different tastes of pure beef noodle soup, chicken noodle soup and so on
Opening Hour: 7.00-23.00

Not only Hanoi, Saigon or Vietnamese people in particular but also international tourists love Pho. If you come to Vietnam but you have never eaten Pho, it seems that you haven’t been here. Pho enchant eaters by its broth that is made from countless spices with a perfect ratio in the pot, which is the secret to create famous Vietnamese Pho.

pho24 85 dong khoi saigon

Pho 24 may be the only Pho restaurant system serving Vietnamese Pho followed the international standards. Coming to Pho 24 Saigon, you might feel the 24 different tastes of pure beef noodle soup, chicken noodle soup and so on. All the ingredients are completely imported from Saigon and have the same quality standards.

Pho 24 restaurant chain is designed according to a homogeneous standard of furniture, creating elegance and politeness but not losing the warmth, beauty in the culinary culture of Vietnamese.

Perhaps you still wonder “What does Pho 24 mean?”, The answer is that Pho 24 is a mixture of 24 special ingredients, the soup is cooked in 24 hours and its price is 24,000vnd/bowl at first ( however, due to the rising market price so the cost is slightly different, about 40,000vnd and over now). Nevertheless, to make the Pho 24 match with its name the whole Pho 24 system will be open in 24 hours/day in the near future.

pho24 85 dong khoi saigon

Pho 24 Saigon is served in clean, modern and comfortable environments, it is reaching more people every year. Pho24 restaurants system has about 18 branches both in Vietnam and Overseas namely Indonesia and Jakarta. Let’s go to Pho 24 Saigon restaurants and immerse in Vietnamese tradition in the International standards.

You can find other restaurants Pho 24 Saigon below

158D Pasteur, phường Bến Nghé, Quận 1
028 3521 8518
Open 6.00 ⋅ Closes 12AM

100 Nguyễn Lương Bằng,, P. Tân Phú
028 3888 6941
Open 6.00⋅ Closes 10PM

91 Nguyễn Hữu Cảnh
028 3514 3202
Open 6.00 ⋅ Closes 10PM

70-72 Lê Thánh Tôn
028 3993 9024
Open 6.00 ⋅ Closes 10PM

PHỞ 24 – 20B Nguyen Thi Minh Khai
20B Nguyễn Thị Minh Khai, phường Đa Kao, Quận 1
028 3910 1038
Open 6.00 ⋅ Closes 10PM

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